Recently came across a situation, where, one of the earning members in the family had to undergo a surgery. Without any delay the surgery was successfully done in the best hospital and under a superlative surgeon. The family was well covered and only focus was on the best treatment available in the country.
Now, there was another case, where the family was under covered. The earning member was hospitalized. The family was looking for a hospital where the surgery can be done at cheaper rates. The focus shifted from the health to cost of surgery. Moreover, there was a stress, what if the hospitalization costs more than the cover. Redemption in the investments, withdrawals of savings, borrowings from relatives or friends was the options that the family was looking for.
Let me state here, that given the lifestyle today we are more prone to illness. I would suggest having a fair coverage for yourself and your family. Prayers have power!! But why should we encounter a dreadful situation where we have to pray for a minimum bill?? We can remain positive in such situation when we are mentally free from money matters. Let’s not compromise.
I wish for your health and happiness.